The Corporate Governance Professionals – Department of Corporate Secretaryship DEPARTMENT DAY on 04.04.2024

The Corporate Governance Professionals’ Association, under the auspices of the Department of Corporate Secretaryship, commemorated DEPARTMENT DAY on April 4th, 2024, at 10:30 AM in the SACAS Auditorium. Dr. V. Raghu Raman, Vice President of FAI and Head of the Advisory Board at IAAC, honored the event as the esteemed chief guest, delivering insightful perspectives on corporate leadership. In his illuminating discourse, he expounded on the 3 Cs of leadership and diverse approaches to corporate leadership. Visionary Leaders were recognized for their exceptional contributions to the field. Students participated in enriching discussions and presentations, delving into the latest trends in the industry. The occasion stood as a testament to the unwavering commitment to excellence in corporate governance.