Suiyasakthi Homepreneur awards-2022

The Rotaract club of SA College of Arts and Science, attended an award function suiyasakthi Homepreneur awards-2022 season 5 on 28th August 2022, which was presented by sakthi masala and brand avatar and powered by sswm institution.The program was started by 5.00p.m at lady andal auditorium. Nearly 100 nomination had arrived, from that the juries pannel selected top 20 members. The main motive of the suiyasakthi Homepreneure awards-2022 was that each and every woman should stand on their own legs, they should not depend on others. This event inspired and motivated many home makers to seek their passion and make them to find what they love to do. At the end of the day every women person have their own dream like everyone do.