“Thamizhar Thirunaal- Pongal was celebrated by the members of IWC Chennai Coral along with the faculty members of the SACAS on 11.02.2022. In the morning, the members were grouped into three teams.

Every team had enthusiastically participated in making the pongal in a traditional way. All the teams made the pongal in an earthenware pot and decorated it with manjal, kumkumam and flowers. The teams cooked the pongal in firewood. All the three teams coordinated well and completed the pongal celebration with full of joy. Though each one of them was from various religion and different culture, this celebration made everyone feel as a family proving and created a sense of belonging.

In the afternoon,  paattumanram was conducted with the topic Old Songs Vs New Songs. Four people represented in each side represented old songs and new songs respectively. Mr. Vijayakumar from the Department of Tamil was the judge. The members from old cinema songs group argued hilariously how only old songs will be easily remembered by everyone, and these old songs do not have abusive words or words with double entendre which are quite common in the new songs. And also old songs are unique as they elevate women but new songs only criticize women and objectify them. The team members also sang many old songs which were very meaningful and philosophical about life. The members from the new song group gave opposing points that only new songs are energetic and enjoyable, and many female songwriters are present in the current era when compared to the last century writers. The judge after considering the points given by both the teams carefully, gave his view about both the old and new songs and announced old songs group as the winner based on one important point that the new songs had more abusive content and vulgarity which were not seen in the old songs. The paatumandram brought the participants out of their comfort zone and for many it was their first time speaking in a paatumandram. The team members encouraged and supported each other which brought a sense of ease among them. The day ended with a lot of memories that will be cherished forever by SACAS family.