It is our immense pleasure to conduct the “Mat- Stat quiz” show program on behalf of the SACAS Department of Mathematics on 28 10 2022 between 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Preview Theatre.

The goal of this program is to create a thirst for Mathematics in the minds of the students which may help them to develop mathematical attitudes, analytical skills, and critical thinking for the right decision-making.

40 students had registered for the program. Out of the 40 students, 20 teams were created consisting of two members in each team and 2 teams for each department. The quiz started with the preliminary round and ends with the final round. Out of 20 teams, five teams were finalized for the final round which enabled us to finalize the prize winners.

It was a great privilege for the Department of Mathematics to have the gracious presence of our correspondent and our director and our beloved principal to distribute the prizes to the winners. We thank our principal for giving us the right guidance to conduct the quiz. We thank our director for her great support. From the depth of our hearts we offer our gratitude to our correspondent to conduct innovative programs like “Mat-Stat quiz show”.

One and all we thank the almighty for enabling us to accomplish the quiz show a great success.


  1. AnanthuA ,  II. B.Com AF  
  2. Santhosh S, II. B.Com AF


  1. Keerthana, II. B.Com BM  
  2. PoorvikaII. B.Com BM