Inauguration of the theatre club ‘The Na Va Ra Saa’ on 14.03.2024

S. A. College of Arts & Science Unveils ‘The Na Va Ra Saa’ Theatre Club In an exciting advancement for the Department of English at S. A. College of Arts & Science, the inauguration of the theatre club ‘The Na Va Ra Saa’ unfolded today at the Preview Theatre. This club serves as a vibrant platform for students to immerse themselves in the diverse realms of theatre like acting, directing, scriptwriting, and stage management. The inauguration ceremony received the invaluable support and guidance of Correspondent Mr. P. Venkatesh Raja, Director Dr. V. Sayi Satyavathi, and Principal Dr. Malathi Selvakkumar. Through captivating performances,  students brought classic Shakespearean works to life which showcased their passion and proficiency in the dramatic arts.