Campus Drive (SSS Mart and Tiny Todds) on 10.04.2024

SSS Mart and Tiny Todds Conduct Successful Campus Drives at SACAS Campus On 10th April 2024, SACAS Campus was abuzz with activity as two prominent companies, SSS Mart and Tiny Todds, conducted successful campus drives. SSS Mart aimed to recruit students for back-end roles, while Tiny Todds sought candidates passionate about teaching young children. Students from various streams enthusiastically participated, showcasing their skills and impressing the HR teams of both companies. A select group of talented individuals were offered positions at both SSS Mart and Tiny Todds. SSS Mart offered  roles, emphasizing their commitment to providing flexible opportunities. Meanwhile, Tiny Todds focused on nurturing educators, extending offers for positions dedicated to teaching small children both part-time and full-time. The campus drives were a testament to the talent and versatility of SACAS students, and both companies look forward to welcoming their newest team members.