Business Webinar

Privat passion, Patience, and persistence are the ingredients to be an entrepreneur. SIAWED(Southern Industrial Academy for Women Entrepreneurs Development) in association with ROTARACT CLUB OF S.A. College of Arts And Science , Sponsored by Rotary club of Ambattur have organised this business webinar on 24 September 2022. This webinar is organized through Zoom Meet from 4:00pm to 5:00pm .The Resources Person: MR.KARTHICK SENTHILKUMAR , founder Boom HR solutions , Director of TeamQore Management India e Limited. The webinar was started with Introduction about the guest. There were various colleges participated in this webinar. The speaker taken takeover the session in interesting way to the students. They gained more knowledge about future business world and brainstormed more business ideas. There were more than 100 students participated. The speaker questioned every single individual students about their ambitions and passion and gave many tips and tricks to achieve our dream. At the end of the session he also explained the importance of Government exams.