An Intercollegiate event “QUANTUM QUASAR” on 13.10.2023

The Department of Commerce (Accounting & Finance), SACAS Association of Accounting & Finance Professionals along with SACAS’ians Fin. Tech Club of S.A.College of Arts & Science. A remarkable intercollegiate event QUANTUM QUASAR, was successfully organized and held on the SACAS campus on October 13, 2023. The sheer number of 450 students and almost 50 colleges taking part in 11 competitions *WORDLESS WONDERS, PROFESSIONAL PATHWAY, RHYTHMIC, FUSION, COMEDY CARNIVAL, ARTISTIC FACESO, FLAMELESS FOOD, BEAUTY BRUSH, COLOUR OF TRADITION, ECOCRAF and VENTURA* was astounding. The event coordinators had everything organized perfectly in an independent space for the competitions. Every competition was rated a score out of 25. Determined by the judges’ average points, the winning and runner-up teams received trophies and certificates, while all other competitors received certificates only for participating. A trophy for the overall championship was given to the college that won the most first place in various competitions. The guests and faculty of the host college added color to the capstone ceremony.