An expert talk on Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence on  16.08.2023

The Department of Computer Science & Applications of S. A. College of Arts & Science organized an expert talk on Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence on 16th August 2023. The Resource Person for this session was Dr. Swarna Ravindra Babu, Founder & CEO, Coovum Smart Systems and Services Private Ltd, Chennai.
The programme started with the welcome address delivered by Mr. P. Chandrasekar, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science & Applications. Ms. Riya Tiwari from II BCA introduced the Resource Person to the gathering. Around 160 students were participated in this session.
Dr. Swarna Ravindra Babu eloborated on Artificial Intelligence covering different aspects such as Industry Revolutions, Digital Transformation, Project Understanding, Market Trends, Potential in Future and etc.
He has given an overview about Deep Learning and Learning Mechanisms in Machine Learning Algorithms especially about Supervised Learning. The evolution of IT (Information Technology), OT (Operation Technology) and IoT (Internet of Things) has been explained. He also explained about Big Data, Natural Language Processing (NLP) etc., with examples. Further he interacted with the students about programming languages such as Python and VS Code, hands-on projects and industry aspects.
The event was followed by a question and answer session. Finally, Akilan from II B.Sc. CS delivered the vote of thanks. Master of Ceremony was done by Henry Anthony from II BCA.