A Human Chain Formation on 13.09.2023

The Department of English, in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of SACAS, successfully organised a Human Chain Formation on September 13, 2023, between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. This event was held to commemorate the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer and to raise awareness about the critical issue of environmental conservation. The event garnered strong support from the Correspondent Mr. P. Venkatesh Raja, Director Dr. V. Sayi Satyavathi, and Principal Dr. Malathi Selvakkumar.

Mr. M. Thanga Kumaran, the Head of the Department of English, addressed the students, emphasising the importance of preserving nature and the environment. He highlighted the need to instil this vital thought in the young minds of students alongside their academic curriculum. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from students, faculty members, and Rotaract Club members. Participants formed a human chain as a symbolic gesture of unity in the cause of environmental preservation. The event’s success was a testament to the passion and dedication of SACAS students and staff in championing environmental causes. It served as a poignant reminder of the responsibility we all share in safeguarding our planet for future generations.