Valediction: The Renaissance English Dept. Farewell Day Celebration on 26.04.2024

S. A. College of Arts & Science's English Department celebrated the success of Renaissance Club at their valedictory function, distributing prizes and certificates for academic year events. The programme commenced with a silent prayer, fostering a reflective atmosphere. Farewell was bid to the 2021 graduating batch, with students sharing experiences and faculty offering blessings. Each graduate received a token gift—a file for future use—from faculty members. The Head of the Department articulated his vision and credited the department's collective effort for the achievements. The event encapsulated both celebration and contemplation, marking the culmination of a fruitful academic year at SACAS.

The English Carnival 2K24: Unveiling the Tapestry of Linguistic Brilliance at SACAS on 24.03.2024

The English Carnival 2K24: Unveiling the Tapestry of Linguistic Brilliance at SACAS

The Department of English at S. A. College of Arts & Science orchestrated a spectacular showcase of linguistic prowess with "The English Carnival 2K24" on March 26, 2024. 

This interdepartmental extravaganza witnessed students from diverse disciplines engaging in a series of competitions ranging from eloquent storytelling to quick-witted word jumbles. Competitions included "Mic's All Yours," "Picture A Poem," "Story Writing," "Word Jumble," "Pictionary," "Talk Show," "Impromptu," "Tongue Twisters," "Lit Quiz," "Spell Bee," and "Art Gallery." From the gripping narratives of "Story Writing" to the creative expressions in "Art Gallery," participants left no stone unturned to exhibit their English proficiency. With fervent enthusiasm and competitive spirit, the event exemplified the college's commitment to nurturing multifaceted talent beyond academic realms.

Inauguration of the theatre club 'The Na Va Ra Saa' on 14.03.2024

S. A. College of Arts & Science Unveils 'The Na Va Ra Saa' Theatre Club In an exciting advancement for the Department of English at S. A. College of Arts & Science, the inauguration of the theatre club 'The Na Va Ra Saa' unfolded today at the Preview Theatre. This club serves as a vibrant platform for students to immerse themselves in the diverse realms of theatre like acting, directing, scriptwriting, and stage management. The inauguration ceremony received the invaluable support and guidance of Correspondent Mr. P. Venkatesh Raja, Director Dr. V. Sayi Satyavathi, and Principal Dr. Malathi Selvakkumar. Through captivating performances,  students brought classic Shakespearean works to life which showcased their passion and proficiency in the dramatic arts.

The Bookmark – readers’ club on 25-09-2023

The Bookmark – readers’ club of the department of English had its third meeting on 25-09-2023 at 02:00 p.m. in the Digital Library. The main aim of the club is to inculcate the reading habit among students. The students and faculty members shared their reading experience and summarised their favourite literary piece of art in a nutshell. After each presentation there were discussions and references. The active participation of the students was highly appreciated by the faculty members. The session was bilingual, highly interesting and informative.
The meeting was convened by Mr. M. Thanga Kumaran and he gave the key note address. Ms. S. Sri Vidhya hosted the programme. Mrs. S. Logapriya organised the event and Mr. S. Naresh encouraged the students with his valuable comments. Apart from the inmates of the department Mrs. Sathyabama, HoD of Home Science participated in the meeting. The meeting prepared the path for the students to read voraciously and improve their reading habit.



A Human Chain Formation on 13.09.2023

The Department of English, in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of SACAS, successfully organised a Human Chain Formation on September 13, 2023, between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. This event was held to commemorate the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer and to raise awareness about the critical issue of environmental conservation. The event garnered strong support from the Correspondent Mr. P. Venkatesh Raja, Director Dr. V. Sayi Satyavathi, and Principal Dr. Malathi Selvakkumar.

Mr. M. Thanga Kumaran, the Head of the Department of English, addressed the students, emphasising the importance of preserving nature and the environment. He highlighted the need to instil this vital thought in the young minds of students alongside their academic curriculum. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from students, faculty members, and Rotaract Club members. Participants formed a human chain as a symbolic gesture of unity in the cause of environmental preservation. The event's success was a testament to the passion and dedication of SACAS students and staff in championing environmental causes. It served as a poignant reminder of the responsibility we all share in safeguarding our planet for future generations.

The Bookmark – Readers’ Club of the Department of English

The Bookmark – Readers’ Club of the Department of English had its second meeting on 17-08-2023 at 02:00 p.m. in the room number GF01. The students and faculty members shared their reading experience and summarised their favourite literary piece of art in a nutshell. After each presentation there were discussions and references. The active participation of the students was highly appreciated by the faculty members. The session was bilingual, highly interesting and informative. The meeting was convened by Mr. M. Thanga Kumaran. Mrs S Logapriya hosted the programme and organized the events. Ms. S. Vaishnavi welcomed the gathering and Ms. S. Sri Vidhya presented the vote of thanks.
Apart from the inmates of the department Mrs. Sathyabama, HoD of Home Science and Mr. Vignesh, Asst. Prof. of Tamil participated in the meeting and shared their opinions. The anecdotes told by the faculty members prepared the path for the students to go in search for the outstanding literary works.

Madras Day Celebration with Spectacular Human Formation on 22.08.2023

Madras Day Celebration with Spectacular Human Formation

On August 22, 2023, S. A. College of Arts & Science took the 348th Madras Day celebration to new heights by orchestrating a breathtaking human formation. Students came together in a magnificent display of unity and creativity. Under the guidance of dedicated faculty members, the students formed intricate patterns on the college ground, by forming Happy Madras Day. This unique and artistic tribute showcased the college's commitment to celebrating the city's heritage. The programme was organised by the Rotaract Club of SACAS, Department of English, Computer Science & Applications. Mr. M. Vignesh Kumar, faculty coordinator of Rotaract Club of SACAS coordinated the formation. This innovative gesture highlighted the vibrant spirit of S. A. College of Arts & Science in honoring its beloved city on this special day.

Inauguration of Literary Association – “The Renaissance”, an Orientation Programme and the Freshers’ Day Celebration

The Department of English of SACAS had the Inauguration of its Literary Association - "The Renaissance ", an Orientation Programme for the B.A. English students and the Freshers’ Day Celebration for the first year students on 20-07-2023 in the Preview Theatre between 10:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m. Ms. K. Makeshwari, (Language Trainer), Assistant Professor in English, KCS Kasi Nadar College of Arts and Science, Chennai was the chief guest of the day.  The programmes were organised by Mr. M. Thanga Kumaran, Head of the English Department under the guidance and support of the Correspondent Thiru. P. Venkatesh Raja, the Director Dr. V. Sayi Satyavathi and the Principal Dr. Malathi Selvakkumar.

The programmes started with lighting of the lamp and invocation. Ms. S. Logapriya welcomed the gathering and Mr. M. Thanga Kumaran introduced and felicitated the guest. He also gave a key note address for the day. In the presence of the guest and the host, Ms. S. Vaishnavi, the President of the literary association – The Renaissance took charge and delivered her presidential address. She took the oath and laid a track for the department for the upcoming days. She announced the various clubs of the department and the faculty in charges of the clubs to ensure a smooth sail. The clubs and the faculty in charges are: Ms. S. Vaishnavi - President of the literary association “The Renaissance”, Ms. S. Logapriya – Coordinator of the readers’ club “The Bookmark”, Mr. S. Naresh – SPOC of the newsletter “The Spectrum”, Ms. S. P. Madhumathi – the Administer of the literary festival “The English Fair” and Ms. S. Clementcia the Manager of the theatre club – The Na Va Ra Saa.

Ms. K. Makeshwari graced the event by inaugurating the literary association and delivering the inaugural address. She served as a Resource Person of the Orientation Programme for the B.A. English students and delivered a talk on the topic "English - Lit Learn with Language." She spoke on the importance of the English language and the myriad of opportunities available for the English graduates. It was an interactive and informative session and the resource person handled the students diligently by resolving their doubts. Mr. S. Deepan gave the closing remarks and Mr. S Naresh delivered the vote of thanks. Ms. S. Sri Vidhya hosted the programmes and Mr. D. Kevin and Mr. L. P. Vishal made the overall arrangements.

After the academic sessions the stage was filled with young and vibrant students representing the English department. The senior students welcomed the freshers and entertained them with games and cultural events. Tokens of love were given to the faculty members and the students. The young minds were inspired by the dignitaries, the faculty members and the students. They were ready to equip, emerge and delve themselves in the ocean of literature. The programmes ended with the national anthem.