Shrimati Shakuntala ammal memorial and Pongal festival Tamil literary events prize distribution function was organised by the department of Tamil on 30.01.2025

Shrimati Shakuntala ammal memorial and Pongal festival Tamil literary events prize distribution function was organised by the department of Tamil SA.College in 30th December 10 a.m. literary events
Prize distribution function was conducted December30th in college Auditorium 10:00 a.m. former justice Chennai High court mr. P.Jothimani gave the prizes and delivered the special keynote address. program was started by Tamil Thai valzthu followed by the welcome address by student Kishore Kumar. presidential address by Mr p. Venkatesh Raja correspondent. All the prize winners exhibitted their talents in front of the chief guests.

Cash awards & certificates Distributed to the various School participants those who won the priZes in this program college director Dr. Sai sathyavathi gave the felicitation address followed by Dr.Malathi selvakkumar principal of the college spoke the key points of this program to the audience. Tamil department Vijayakumar gave the Annual report of this event . B.comstudent selvi sabaritha gave a vote of thanks.
This program ends with the National anthem.